Saturday, March 29, 2008


Since teacher Jane didn't accept my late assignment, I post it as a new artical of my blog!XD
I am a fresh man in CGU. After last semester, I have become more adapted to the independent life style of an university student. Standing on the starting line of this semester, I have set two goals for myself to achieve lest I should waste much time on daily trifles and get nothing done.
One is playing volleyball well. Not until I entered university did I know the thrilling feeling in playing volleyball. I would join the med-volleyball to enhance my volleyball skill and strenthen my body. The other goal is spending more time on practicing harmonica with a view to making the movement more fascinating.
Undoubtedly, my extracurricular activities are based on my academic performance. I must find the balance point between extracurricular activity and school work. More inconveniece and troubles would come up if I accidentally flunk any of my subjects. How to control the balance is the top difficult task that I should learn!

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